How To Install Outdoor Lighting
Date Published: March 5th, 2021
Outdoor lighting can benefit you both aesthetically and practically. It can provide safe lighting in dark spaces and paths, but can also highlight a social area such as a deck or a pool area. Whether you’re installing your outdoor lighting to create an atmosphere or simply for a practical solution, this can be a game-changer. Below you’ll find our guide on how to properly install outdoor lighting, however, we always recommend consulting with a professional before undertaking any work yourself.
How To Install Outdoor Lighting: Safety
Below is a checklist for you to use to ensure that any installation process you undertake is done safely:
- Turn your mains power off
- Switch off and lock your breaker
- Socket test each circuit before use in order to check it’s safe to work with
- Make sure your lighting meets building and wiring regulations
How To Install Outdoor Wall Lighting
Outdoor lighting that can be connected to your walls is great for lighting up large areas of space and highlighting a feature wall or doorway. They’re also a great option if your patio space is small and you need to save space for furniture/garden plants etc. This type of lighting can be installed and connected via spurs in existing lighting or with power circuits. The following method is a guide on how to install outdoor lighting to your walls, however, please read instructions and consult with a professional before trying this yourself:
- Mark spaces on your wall where your lighting will appear. This is helpful if you have more than one fixture you wish to install as it can map out spacings etc.
- Drill the hole where your fixture will be. Once this is done, place your housing and feed the cable through.
- Ensure that your cables are connected to the right terminals.
- Prevent any damp by covering your wires in protection such as PVC tape.
- Fix the lighting to the wall and fill in any holes with a sealant to prevent moisture and water from getting through.
- Install a switch if necessary.
- Switch your electricity back on
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How To Install Low Voltage Outdoor Lighting
Installing mains powered lighting in your garden is a job that should be carried out by a professional. It requires an SWA cable and an in-depth knowledge of electrical lighting. One way you can avoid mains powered lights is to install low voltage outdoor lighting. These are the easiest to install as well as the safest. They can usually be found on spikes that you push into soil, and are run on power via a transformer. To install low voltage outdoor lighting:
- Plug your transformer into an indoor socket that’s weather protected. This could be inside a shed or your home.
- Feed your cable through to your garden via a drilled hole or under a doorway.
- Lay the cable so that it isn’t a trip hazard (under soil or along a fence is ideal)