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Lights Flickering in Your House? What It Could be…

Lights Flickering in Your House? What It Could be…

If the lights in your house are flickering, and you are wondering why - we have answers for you! We are going to discuss some of the common causes of light flickerings, such as the type of light bulb you are using. It is important to stick to high-quality LED lights in your home, as they flick and break less regularly than poor-quality halogen light bulbs.

Flickering can be dangerous and in worst-case scenarios, it can lead to a fire in your home. Read on to find out more… 

Common Causes of Lights Flickering

Loose Light Bulb 

If light bulbs are not tightly screwed into the socket, then they will not be receiving a constant or consistent power supply and therefore cause flickering. There is a simple solution to this problem! Simply follow these instructions: 

  1. Turn off your light.

  2. Wait for the bulb to cool down.

  3. Twist the bulb further into its socket to tighten it. 

If this is the cause of your light flickering, you will instantly notice the difference after tightening it. However, if this does not seem to be the issue, then your bulb might have broken. Check if your bulb is broken by unscrewing the bulb and testing it in another lamp. If your bulb is broken, then check out The Light Supplier’s fantastic range of efficient and affordable LED light bulbs. 

Fully Bendable FLEXile IP68 LED Strip Lighting

Fully Bendable FLEXile IP68 LED Strip Lighting Price from £12.00

Type of Light Bulb 

The type of light bulb you are using in your home could result in flickering. For example, fluorescent light bulbs can take a while to power up if your home is cold. This can be an inconvenience but it is not dangerous. If this is the case, you might want to consider replacing the bulbs with another type. 

Another example of using the wrong type of light bulb is if you are using dimmers that are incompatible with the bulb. It is important to find a dimmer that is compatible with the bulbs you are using in your home. If you have made this mistake, you will either need to replace the dimmer or bulb to solve the problem.

Switching to a different type of bulb to stop flickering is easy. Find a bulb that will suit your needs better, purchase it and then install it and your problem will be solved. LED light bulbs are the best lighting option for your home, here are some of the top reasons to choose a LED light:

  • LED lights use less electricity

  • Visually appealing 

  • Lasts longer

  • Saves you money

  • More colour and style options

  • Environmentally friendly

If you are interested in finding out more about the difference between halogen and LED light bulbs, then check out this blog post. There are endless benefits to choosing an LED light over a halogen light bulb. Optimise your home today and prevent lights flickering. 

LED GLS Bulb Colour Changing & CCT Smart WiFi Lamp

LED GLS Bulb Colour Changing & CCT Smart WiFi Lamp Price: £12.60

Find a high-quality LED light to suit your needs for an affordable price from The Light Supplier

Overloaded Circuit

If you notice that the lights in your home start to flicker when you turn on an electrical appliance, then the issue might be an overloaded circuit. Appliances can use large amounts of electricity when powering up, which will take it from being distributed evenly to lights. This is not a dangerous issue and it is something that you can learn to live with. However, if the flickering lasts longer than 5 seconds, then you might want to consider an upgrade to your electrical circuit. Here are other signs that you have an overloaded circuit: 

  • Dim lights

  • Warm switch covers 

  • A burning smell from switches 

  • Appliances are not as powerful as usual 

Poor or Loose Wiring

If you have checked for the previously mentioned issues but the flickering is getting worse, then loose wiring could be the issue. Loose wiring can occur for many reasons, but the most likely is due to wear and tear or poor wiring installation.

Loose wiring is a very serious problem as it can cause a fire if it overheats. If this is the issue then you should immediately get in touch with an electrician to solve the problem before it gets even more dangerous. Check out more advice from Merseyside’s fire brigade on how to prevent electrical fires from occurring in your home, and some of their top safety tips.

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