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Colour Temperature and Mood: Choosing the Right Light

Colour Temperature and Mood: Choosing the Right Light

Lighting affects more than the visibility of your home. It has the power to influence your mood, productivity, and even your overall well-being.

In this guide, Light Supplier will explore the impact of colour temperature and its importance in our everyday lives. 

From cosy days on the couch to work-from-home days, discover how different lighting can contribute to various moods in the home.

Colour Temperature

Colour temperature exists on a spectrum, ranging from cool to warm tones. 

Despite its name, a bulb's colour temperature relates to the quality of the light rather than its physical temperature. 

The colour temperature is measured in the kelvin (k) unit. It starts at absolute zero (-273.15°C), the point at which all molecular motion ceases.

A lower Kelvin value, such as 2700K, represents warm, amber light, whilst a higher Kelvin value, like 6500K, corresponds to cooler, bluer light. 

The Psychological Impact of Light

The colour and quality of the lighting in our home impacts everything from ambience to mood and visibility. 

Warm, soft light has been proven to have a calming effect, making a space appear cosy and inviting. On the other hand, cooler lighting enhances productivity, evoking a sense of alertness and focus. 

Due to this, warm lighting is often preferred in homes, whilst cooler lighting benefits offices, retail stores, and educational institutions. 

Interestingly, the same lighting can cause different responses in various settings. A warm light may seem inviting and relaxing at home, whereas in an office, it can feel oppressive or suffocating. 

Practical Applications in Everyday Life

We have compiled a list of preferable colour temperatures for various settings to help you make the most out of the space:

  • Living spaces: Use warmer lighting (2700K to 3000K) in living rooms, bedrooms, and dining areas for a relaxing setting.

  • Home workspaces: Cooler temperatures, such as 3500K to 4000K, enhances focus in kitchens, home offices, and reading corners.

  • Offices: Offices and workspaces benefit from cooler light temperatures around 4000K to 5000K to increase productivity.

  • Retail buildings: To increase visibility and enhance small details, opt for a temperature between 3500K and 4000 K for retail displays. 

How to Choose and Implement the Right Lighting

To select the right lighting for your home or commercial space, consider the tasks you will be performing the most in this area. 

Opt for cooler tones for activity spaces and warmer tones for relaxing areas. Combine accent lighting, task lighting, and ambient lighting for a layered, harmonious space. 

Install dimmer switches for areas which require different lighting for various moods and settings. Strategically place your lights to fit effectively into the space, avoiding windows and glares. 

Invest in High-Quality Lighting with Light Supplier

At Light Supplier, we house a wide range of LED lighting for cost-effective and efficient home lighting. 

From outdoor lights to LED strip lights, we have a fixture for every need, both commercial and residential. 

With a variety of bulb temperatures to choose from, you can adjust your home to cater to various tasks. Browse our collections today or contact our team for expert advice. 

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